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Wednesday Night Fun Races
About this event
Wednesday Night Races
Join us for some relaxing, fun racing. No one keeps score. It's just a great opportunity to get some practice in while enjoying time on the water with friends. No need to register for the races. Just show up when you can.
Races 6 PM - 7:30 PM
Join us afterwards for dinner and music at the clubhouse.
Bring your own food or enjoy not having to cook for a night. We have an awesome team of volunteers that will be preparing dinner each Wednesday night. You can sign up for dinners and pay online by clicking the "Register for Dinner" button.
Pay by person ($7/adult, $4/youth) or as a family ($21/family)
Please register for dinner by Monday evening
Dinner to follow racing, usually around 7/7:30 PM
Live Music- ASC Jam Band
Augusta Sailing Club
5462 Sailing Rd
Appling, GA 30802
Registration Info
Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
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